How to make friends in a foreign Country? 6 ways to meet people abroad

How to make friends in a foreign Country?

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Studying abroad can be one of the best experiences of your life. It is not just about the things you can learn but the valuable experiences and the self-discovery process you go through. Like anything in life, studying abroad is much better when shared with others, so make sure you take some time to meet people from all over the world and set yourself up to experience your new environment fully.

Here are some ideas to help you make friends abroad and make the most of your life abroad, 

1. Join a club or social group.

Fortunately, there is always a club for everyone, from reading clubs to dancing classes, hiking, and food hunters. You can always find these groups directly at your College/University, on Facebook groups or even at 

To make it easier for you:

  1. Make a list of the activities you enjoy doing, your hobbies, and your interests.
  2. Research for similar meetup groups around this topic and activities.
  3. Approach them and start meeting new people who already have something in common with you, making it easier for you to feel comfortable and happy.

2. Start exploring your new environment through events and activities. Go to as many as you can. 

The good thing about Australia is that there are always free events and activities. This is held on a city level or even within students’ accommodations and campuses. Make sure you get familiar with the online portals that regularly promote this information and subscribe to the most suitable newsletters. I recommend What’s on, timeout, the library board, and the student union. Select the best events – more interesting – for you and enjoy your new environment to the fullest!

3. Host a BBQ, picnic, or dinner party, 

In Australia, BBQs and picnics are the real deal. Everyone loves them, and they are cheap, easy to host, and clean:)  Apart from the fact that Australia has public BBQs and picnic spots in every park. 

You can approach people from your classes, apartment complexes, and accommodation units. Suggest the idea, and if everyone is keen, you can even ask them to bring something to share. In Australia BYO (Bring your own) is key, so do not feel bad about suggesting it – especially when you are on a student budget. Usually, people love to share dishes from their home countries, making the experience exciting and unforgettable!

4. Volunteer in the community 

Giving back to the community is an ideal opportunity for you to meet new people and get fully immersed in your host environment. You can perform different tasks for only a few hours a week, meet new people, support the cause you care for and receive all the rewards that come from giving. You can find volunteer opportunities and select those that suit your availability and expertise on seek Volunteer.

5. Join a Gym, dancing classes, or exercise groups. 

As an international student, you can enjoy discounted fees at sports clubs, gyms and dancing classes. They are an excellent opportunity to meet new people and stay fit. Remember, it does not matter if you are good at it. Mastering comes with time and practice. Enjoy and embrace the journey. 

6. Use social media 

Reach out to your new acquaintance, classmates and peers on social media. An easier way for you to connect and develop your social networks. Stay tuned for the coming events, and keep nurturing these life-lasting relationships. 




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